Welcome to Trondheim Public Library’s Extended-hours programme! It is now available for patrons aged 15 or older at all library branches except the Main Library in the city centre. 

Contract for the Extended-hours Library

To apply online, you must be 18 years old. Click on the button above to start the online application process ("Start søknad").

The service requires you to be logged in with ID-porten and that your library card is registered with the same email address as the one you use for ID-porten. 

If you are under 18 years of age, your parents/guardians must accompany you to the library and sign a paper contract which allows you to use the extended-hours library. Download and print contract.

The contract gives you access to the library from 7 am - 11 pm every day all year round. The library is a public space meant to be enjoyed by all residents. Please help keep the areas clean and be considerate of other library users. The extended hours service relies on trust between you and the library. It's crucial that you adhere to the library's rules.

  • You are responsible for your guests. Anyone you bring to the library is your responsibility. Please ensure they also follow the library's rules.
  • Follow our borrowing rules. Make sure you adhere to the library's borrowing policies at all times.
  • Help us maintain the library. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the library clean and pleasant for everyone.

Substance abuse

Anyone who is drunk or under the influence of drugs will not be allowed entry and the consumption of alcohol and use of intoxicating substances is not allowed.


“Violations of the law and threatening and disturbing behaviour (noise-making, harassment, smells, etc.) will not be tolerated.”

You are responsible and liable for your admission card and how it is used. This contract is personal, and any violation of it may lead to revocation of the right to use the extended-hours library.

For your safety and to protect the library and it's equipment, the building is under video surveillance.

Vandalism will be reported to the police and you will be held financially liable for any damage. Your visit to the extended-hours library is your personal responsibility and at your own risk.

Download and print contract