Library services


To studenter som jobber

Welcome to Trondheim public library! The public libraries in Norway are free of charge and offers much more than books. Start by apply for a library card.

The library offers books, periodicals, newspapers, films, music, and audio books in many languages, both for adults and children. There is also a substantial selection of language courses. A good alternative if you want to learn Norwegian by hearing and reading is to watch Norwegian feature films with Norwegian subtitles turned on.

The multi-language library

If you can't find what you are looking for at Trondheim public library, we can help you getting material from Det flerspråklige bibliotek (the multi-language library) and other libraries in Norway.

Language Café

Many of our branches offer language cafés every week. The language café is a meeting place for people that want to practise Norwegian in a social setting. You can find the dates for all the language cafés in the event calendar.


To personer som jobber sammen

Books in other languages

In addition to Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish, the library has books in the following languages:

Language Children Adults
Albanian Albanian Albanian
Amharic   Amharic
Arab Arab Arab
Bosnian Bosnian Bosnian
Burmese Burmese Burmese
Chechen   Chechen
Chinese Chinese * Chinese
Dari Dari Dari
English English English
Finnish Finnish ** Finnish **
French French French
German German German
Icelandic Icelandic Icelandic
Italian Italian Italian
Japanese Japanese  
Kurdic Kurdic Kurdic
Oromo Oromo Oromo
Pashto Pashto Pashto
Persian Persian Persian
Polish Polish Polish
Russian Russian Russian
Sami languages Sami Sami
Somali Somali Somali
Spanish Spanish Spanish
Tamil Tamil Tamil
Thai Thai Thai
Tigrinya Tigrinya Tigrinya
Turkish Turkish Turkish
Ukrainian Ukrainian  
Urdu Urdu Urdu
Vietnamese Vietnamese Vietnamese

* Children's books in Chinese

The children's department sometimes receive a collection of Chinese children's books. These can be borrowed in the regular way.

** Literature in Finnish

We sometimes receive Finnish books from Finnmark county library. This includes both fiction and non-fiction for children and adults. The books can be borrowed in the regular way.

E-books and audiobooks

E-books and e-audiobooks in English are available through the Libby app for both mobile phones and tablets (iOS, Android, and Windows10), read in web browsers, and on some reading devices. Libby can be downloaded from App Store, Google Play and Windows Store. Add Trøndelag as your library. More information in Norwegian.

Read books and listen to audiobooks in several languages at
Books are available in the languages, and more will come: Albanian, Arabic, Assyrian / Syrian, Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian, Kurdish, Persian / Dari, Polish, Somali, Thai, Tigrinya, Turkish and Ukrainian.

Web pages relevant to immigrants

Kvinne ser på en pc-skjerm

Family immigration
Information from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

Family Links
For people looking for family members.

General information from the Norwegian government.

The Directorate of Integration and Diversity.

Dictionaries in many languages.

Web page for mother tounge and bilingual training.

The Norwegian Centre for Migration and Minority Health.

New in Norway
Practical information from public offices.

Help for immigrants and refugees. Have a Trondheim office.
Web page for people learning Norwegian. Lots of resources available in Norwegian, English, Arab, Dari, Kurmandji, Pashto, and Tigrinja.

Trondheim dialogsenter
A meeting place for contact, dialogue, information and cooperation between government and the immigrant communities in Trondheim.

TV2 elevkanalen - news in different languages
Weekly newscasts in Arab, Pashto, Dari, Kurmandji, and Tigrinja.

Web page of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

News and debate with focus on the multicultural Norway.

Get help with computer

At the library we offer assistance with basic computer questions during opening hours. We can assist with services such as copying, printing and scanning of documents. To use Wifi, choose the network "Tk gjestenett".

If you have a question that requires more time, you can make an appointment for personal guidance with one of our staff for 1 hour. You can also sign up for various workshops. The guidance and workshop are free of charge.

In case we can’t assist with your questions, we can provide information about where you can get further help. Contact the librarys learning center for help and information.

Sist oppdatert: 27.06.2023

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