The Extended Hours Library


What are extended hours libraries?

The libraries at Byåsen, Heimdal, Klæbu, Moholt, Ranheim, Risvollan, and Saupstad offer extended opening hours. Users aged 15 or older with approved access to the extended hours program can use these branches from 7:00 to 23:00 every day, even outside of regular operating times.

To access the library outside of its normal hours, you need to sign a contract. This contract grants you access from 7:00 to 23:00 every day, all year round. You must be at least 15 years old. If you're between 15 and 18, a parent needs to accompany you to the library and co-sign the contract.

The library is a public space meant to be enjoyed by all residents. Please help keep the areas clean and be considerate of other library users. The extended hours service relies on trust between you and the library. It's crucial that you adhere to the library's rules.

How to gain access to extended opening hours?

To upgrade your regular library card to an admission card for the extended-hours library you must:

  • Apply online or sign the contract at your local library. You can either submit your application electronically or visit your nearest library branch to complete the contract in person.
  • You are responsible for your guests. Anyone you bring to the library is your responsibility. Please ensure they also follow the library's rules.
  • Follow our borrowing rules. Make sure you adhere to the library's borrowing policies at all times.
  • Help us maintain the library. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the library clean and pleasant for everyone.

Everyone should feel welcome and comfortable in the library. Please be considerate of others and maintain a quiet and respectful atmosphere.

Entry is prohibited for anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Consumption or use of these substances is not allowed on library premises.

Threatening or annoying behaviour (making noise, harassing others, having smelly food with you, etc.) that may disturb library employees and visitors will not be accepted.

You are accountable for your access card and its use. The contract is personal. Misuse may result in loss of extended-hours library privileges.

For everyone's safety, the library is under video surveillance. Vandalism will be reported to the police, and you will be held responsible for any damage caused.

Please be aware that using the library during extended hours is at your own risk.

Apply online


How to open the doors?

Scan the library card or the barcode from the Bibliofil app beneath the Meråpent keypad at the front door. Type your PIN and the door will unlock. Some of the libraries have several doors.

We are replacing the keypads at our libraries in 2024. The new keypads show the status in colours:

Green: Scan the barcode
Yellow: Type your PIN
Blinking green with sound: The door is now open
Red: Rejected access or the service is closed


Adgangspanel med pintastatur

Trouble signing the contract?

If you have trouble signing the contract, please try the Bibliofil app to gain access from My Profile.

Ask the library for help.


Sist oppdatert: 27.09.2024

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